Dubai Policeشرطة دبي on X: Emergency numbers for Dubai Police

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dubai 999 Addresses, phone numbers, opening hours, reviews and photos of companies at 999, Dana road, Dubai

In case of an emergency, you can call the following numbers while anywhere in the UAE: 999 for Police; 998 for Ambulance; 997 for Fire dubai168 999 is likely over called by people due to weather If you're dying or about to die, call 999 Otherwise, call 901

dubai 999
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dubai 999 Addresses, phone numbers, opening hours, reviews and photos of companies at 999, Dana road, Dubai

dubai9999 In case of an emergency, you can call the following numbers while anywhere in the UAE: 999 for Police; 998 for Ambulance; 997 for Fire

999 is likely over called by people due to weather If you're dying or about to die, call 999 Otherwise, call 901